6 Alternatives to Home Heating

Home Heating can get expensive. The colder the air is outside the home, the more your home has to work to keep the air at your optimum temperature. This can cause increases in your bills at the end of the month. There are ways to help you save money and alternatives to heating your home.

1. Check for air spaces

Go around your home at night and look around your windows and doors with a flashlight. You can use two people for this if you have to. Or, in places like the garage door that leads to the garage, you can turn on the garage lights. If you see light coming through, that is where air also comes through.

2. Hang insulated curtains

There are so many options for curtains and so many price points. You can purchase curtains for your windows and larger doors that you close to keep the heat in. They also help on the edges of the windows.

3. Purchase Newer windows

Buying new windows could get costly. However, if your windows are thin older glass, then do yourself a favor for your home in the winter and summer and buy the newer insulated windows. Some places in the country can even put in hurricane glass which not only keeps the air from coming in but also provides soundproofing. Make sure to check your windows each season in case you need a replacement.

4. Space Heater

Keep your home at an optimum temperature of 69 degrees and if you are in a room for a period of time like an office, then heat that room on its own. Why waste money keeping the whole house warm when you can keep the space you are in warm. This is also great for bathrooms.

5. Seal doors and windows

If there are spaces in your windows or doors, you can purchase items that help with sealing.

Those items include:

  • Weather Strips/foam tape – These come in a roll, and you can place the strips along the door edges or along the window edges.
  • Window Film – You can purchase plastic that you tape along the sides of the window and use a hairdryer to seal it. This is a great option for older windows.
  • Re-caulk windows and Doors- A simple purchase of caulking will help seal those spaces and keep the air out as well.
  • Door Snake – In the winter, you can buy door snakes that go under your door and seal the door from having air come through.

6. Fireplace

Nothing is cozier than a warm fireplace in the winter. Turn on that fireplace and heat your home. You can keep your air down and heat your home at the same time. There are wood-burning, gas, or electric options for this.