Foods You Should Be Eating Post-Workout

Foods you should be eating

Working out is a great way to improve strength, build endurance, and get energy. Regular exercise can also improve your health and help you gain muscle and lose excess fat. To keep up with your routine, there are certain foods you should be eating post-workout.

A workout alone isn’t enough to accomplish your physical goals. There’s still a missing piece that could explain why you aren’t getting the desired results.

What you eat after your workout determines your body’s ability to recover. It also decides how much energy you get to experience from that workout. 

Here are the foods you should be eating to help your body recover and build energy. 

Why is it so essential to eat post-workout?

Eating after a workout doesn’t seem like it would have much of an effect, but it determines your workout results. If you don’t eat the right foods after your workout, you may never reap the benefits you’re looking for.

The foods you eat affect how your body recovers from your workout. 

Working out tends to take a toll on your muscles. Recovery is an essential part of bouncing back stronger from a strenuous workout. 

During recovery, your body works to repair all the parts that used during your workout. Certain soft tissues like ligaments, muscles, and tendons are all affected by your workout. 

As soon as you’re done with your workout, your body gets to work on healing itself. Working out releases loads of toxins you store in your muscles and sends them into your bloodstream. Then your body improves circulation to wash all those toxins out of your system.

Eating foods that help your muscles recover quickly is the best way to help your body do its job. Plus, you won’t feel so sore after those workouts! 

Your post-workout diet can also explain why you don’t get as much energy from your workout as you expected to. 

During your workout, your body burns glycogen, which is the energy that keeps you from tiring out. Eating the right food post-workout is a great way to boost energy in your system by supporting your body. 

This can also condition your brain to associate working out with feeling energetic rather than sore or tired. Then you will be more motivated to work out in the future!

What foods should you eat after your workout?

There are many more things you can eat and drink for quick muscle recovery besides water, although water is extremely important. A few kinds of natural juices help heal those muscles as quickly as possible.

Tart cherry juice proves to be one of the best aids in muscle injury. It has loads of anti-inflammatory properties that will take that soreness away in no time. Other juices such as pomegranate, watermelon, and beet all aid in muscle recovery as well. 

Drinks like whey protein shakes, milk, and even coffee help also help recover those muscles. Protein is super important in the healing process. Coffee, on the other hand, blocks out the chemicals produced before, during, or after an injury.

Dairy products, fatty fish, and vegetables with lots of healthy carbs are great foods for muscle recovery. These foods help give your body enough protein to heal your muscles as efficiently as possible.

To get some energy after your workout, eating a protein-rich meal after going to the gym can do wonders. If your meal is still a few hours away, try eating these snacks within an hour of your workout:

  • Pretzels and peanut butter
  • Yogurt and fruit parfait 
  • Chocolate mil
  • Turkey
  • Whole grain bread
  • Vegetables
  • Crackers or rice cakes
  • Sweet potato
  • Eggs

Bottom line–eat anything with lots of protein, carbs, and healthy fat. Fueling your body with these foods after your workout provides massive health benefits and loads of energy.

Receive the benefits of your workout!

Now that you know the importance of eating certain foods post-workout, it’s your time to integrate them into your routine. Awareness of the foods you should be eating post-workout determines whether you see the results of all your hard work at the gym.