How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way

lose weight the healthy way

Losing weight can be a challenge. Even if you do everything “right,” you still might gain it all back over time. The healthiest way to shed off the excess pounds is to make sustainable lifestyle adjustments to your fitness and diet.

If you’re looking to lose weight the healthy way, here are some tips to get you started.

Cut back on calories.

One of the simplest ways to lose weight is to reduce the number of calories you consume each day. You can eat smaller portions to avoid eating after you’re already full. Low-calorie snack options and raw foods are another way to cut your caloric intake.

Use an app or a notebook to keep track of what you consume daily. Then you can evaluate your daily calorie intake. If you know how many calories you’re taking in, you’ll know how many you need to burn off once you’re at the gym. 

Get more exercise. 

Exercise is one of the best ways to get healthy again. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every day (such a brisk walk or a light jog). You can also do strength training or yoga to tone your body and build muscle. 

Joining a gym, signing up for an app, or working out with a friend can all help you reach your daily movement goals. It takes about two weeks for your body to get used to an exercise routine. After a while, you’ll find yourself craving that workout every day. 

Eat a balanced diet. 

Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats in your diet. Avoid processed foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients. Food is your fuel!

Prepare your meals ahead of time so that you don’t have to worry about constantly cooking healthy foods. One of the hurdles of clean eating is that it’s not always convenient. By doing more prep, you can make mealtimes easy without being tempted by junk foods. 

Drink plenty of water. 

Water can help boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. If you struggle to remember refilling your water, you can get a 64-oz jug to finish by the end of the day.

Experts say water helps flush the system and boost your immune system. Drinking water also helps your organs function properly.

Stay motivated.

Losing weight takes time and effort, so it’s important to stay motivated throughout the process. Find ways to reward yourself for reaching goals and connect with supportive people. 

It’s also critical to find healthy ways to cope with setbacks. It may take a few weeks to get in the swing of your new habits. Stick with it! There’s no need to get down on yourself when you’re having a bad day. Getting healthy and losing weight has to be a lifestyle choice, not a quick fix.


For more health tips, consider our article 5 Things You Need To Know While Dieting.