Ignoring These Car Problems Might Be Costing You More Money In Gas

Gas prices have inflated by 58.62% in the last year, and visiting the gas pump feels painful at this point. Although the current national average is $3.47 a gallon, California is currently experiencing the highest prices in the nation at $4.67 a gallon.

Considering the fact that the average sedan requires about 12 gallons of gas to fill the tank, this adds up quickly. With so much inflation, it’s becoming more and more crucial to find every way possible to stretch each gallon of gas.

If you want to save money on gas, make sure your vehicle is running as efficiently as possible. These simple hacks and repairs can help prevent you from breaking the bank on trips to the gas station.

Low Tire Pressure

Low tire pressure can wreak havoc on your gas mileage. It increases the drag force on the car, requiring more fuel to maintain the same speed. The nice thing is that checking your tire pressure is an easy fix- all you need to do is keep an eye on their levels and fill them up on occasion.

Improper Wheel Alignment

When your wheels are not in proper alignment with the frame of your car, it can cause a lot of friction and resistance in your steering while you’re driving straight. Ultimately, it will cause your car to exert more effort and use up more fuel during every trip. Make sure your tires are aligned if you want to drive more efficiently and effectively. 

Broken Fuel Injectors

Fuel injectors are what spray fuel into each engine cylinder so that it can run properly. If your fuel injectors are clogged or leaking, then not all of the fuel that you bought will make it to the engine effectively. Your car will end up burning through way more gas than is necessary to get from one location to another.

Bad Driving Habits

Leaving your car on while you’re parked is a complete waste of gas, especially if you leave it on without sitting inside. Overusing your acceleration pedal during a long drive can also kill your fuel efficiency. Remember to use cruise control instead when you have a long stretch of road ahead of you. Fixing small habits can add up in the long run when it comes to saving money on fuel.