Keep Hitting Snooze? Here are 4 Easy Ways to Wake Yourself Up in the Morning

How many times do you hit the snooze button before waking up? Surveys show that, on average, Americans tend to press snooze at least twice and take 24 minutes to get out of bed officially.

The thing is, getting a 5-10 minute nap between each alarm is not doing anyone any favors. Experts claim that constantly pressing snooze actually interferes with your REM cycle and doesn’t offer any of the benefits found in restorative sleep.

How do you wake up without feeling like you need to fall back asleep immediately? Here are 4 easy ways to wake yourself up in the morning and get your day started right.

  1. Move Your Alarm Clock

The closer your alarm is to your bed, the more tempting it will be to press the snooze button. Plug in your alarm clock as far away from your sleeping area as possible so that you have to get out of bed in order to turn it off.

If you use your phone as your alarm, it’s especially important to let it charge across the room overnight rather than falling asleep with it. If your phone gets lost in your bed, there’s a chance that you or your bedding will muffle the sound of the alarm, and you won’t wake up to it.

  1. Make Your Morning Routine Easy

Oftentimes it can be difficult to wake up because you dread the oncoming tasks of the day. Make your morning routine easier by setting out your belongings the night before. You’ll feel much more at ease knowing that everything is already in place.

For example, you can hang your outfit on the office door or line up your morning hygiene products on the bathroom counter. Doing these small tasks makes a significant difference in your morning momentum. Even something as simple as setting out a mug under your coffee machine helps make transitions from task to task much easier. 

  1. Write Yourself Notes

If you’re prone to forgetfulness during an especially groggy morning, you can place sticky notes in obvious places to remind yourself of what you need to do. Not only will this make your morning much more efficient, but you’ll be able to get better sleep the night before, knowing that you are already prepared to face the next day.

If you tend to feel discouraged in the morning, you can even use this method to write inspiring words for yourself. Only you know what keeps you motivated- don’t forget to feed your mind with positivity so that you can maintain that motivation!

  1. Look Forward to Something

Mornings don’t just have to be jam-packed with productivity. You’re allowed to enjoy getting ready for the day! Take time to ask yourself what truly makes you feel excited when you wake up.

Maybe your answer is a walk around the neighborhood or cooking a big breakfast. Whatever your preference may be, knowing that you can participate in a fun activity makes it a lot easier to wake up sooner.