Pranks or Poltergeists? You Decide

From the Loch Ness monster to famously haunted houses, much of what we once thought was paranormal eventually turned out to have perfectly natural causes. Still, there are incidents in the world people still can’t yet explain.

That includes many of the strange occurrences in this video:

Are they prants, or poltergeists? It’s up to you to decide. 

Tricksters have long used the paranormal as a means of fooling unwitting victims. In fact, these recordings are far from the only examples of wild cases. Here are a few more scams that spooked people and ultimately made the history books. 

The Fox Sisters

The Fox Sisters fooled everyone back in the 1840s. Their popular seances may have brought them great fame, but the family later revealed the events were nothing but an entirely fabricated childhood prank. That lie held up for years until they revealed the mechanics of how they had created the faux-spiritual experience.

Crop Circles

In the 1980s, groups of enthusiasts saw British crop circles as proof of extraterrestrial life. Much later, two committed art enthusiasts revealed that they had created the elaborate crop circle designs. The creative pair intended to trick others into believing in the existence of UFOs — and it worked!

The Accidental Time Traveler

This prank wasn’t intended to be a prank at all. In the 1950s, a man in dated clothing appeared on Times Square. Out of place and frightened, the stranger stepped in front of a cab, which struck and killed him. Weirdly, the unfortunate victim carried 19th-century money. 

Officials later confirmed the man went missing nearly a hundred years earlier. The only problem? The famous travel story was a work of science fiction written by Jack Finney that somehow got printed as truth rather than fiction. 

Maybe the truth really IS stranger than fiction. One day, we might prove aliens walk the earth or ghosts really do exist. Until then, it’s fun to settle in for a spooky good time with some good, old-fashioned stories.