The Pros and Cons of Wearing Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen

There’s been more and more talk lately about how important it is to wear sunscreen. So much so that you probably wouldn’t think to question if it’s even something you should be doing. 

Sunscreen has tons of benefits that are well-known. However, they also have a lot of detriments that aren’t talked about very often.

It’s about time you weighed the pros and cons before you lather up. Your skin and health deserve it!

The Pros

The sun has incredible benefits for your health. However, too much sun can lead to a lot of damage. That’s why sunscreen was invented!

Sunscreen helps prevent certain skin diseases.

Sunscreen helps protect you from sunburn, which can be highly damaging to your skin. Studies show that wearing sunscreen lowers your risk of skin diseases and cancers by 40-50%. 

Sunscreen can keep wrinkles away.

Studies have shown that sunscreen helps with visible aging. The sun can age skin quickly over time. Many people use sunscreen regularly for this reason.

Sunscreen compliments your complexion.

Using sunscreen can keep the dark circles and uneven complexion away. The sun is the cause of many uneven tones in your skin, so sunscreen can help protect those skin tones.

The Cons

You lose out on some of the healing properties of the sun.

Skin cancer is the cause of excessive exposure to sunlight. However, the sun is one of the most healing things that your body can experience. Wearing sunscreen every day takes away from many of those healing properties.

Vitamin D prevents explicitly 16 different types of cancers. This vitamin is vital to your health and is limited when you use sunscreen.

False information is often spread concerning skin cancer.

Most skin “cancers” are not even labeled as a form of cancer by the National Cancer Institute. These diseases rarely kill anyone, but they are the only kinds of skin cancer that sunscreen can protect you from. 

The truly fatal form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, is fortunately scarce. The relationship between the sun and melanoma are often misunderstood. 

As it turns out, people who work indoors are more likely to get this form of fatal cancer than those who work outside. This shows that regular exposure to the sun actually decreases your risk of fatal skin cancer. Constant protection against the sun is also dangerous. 

Sunscreens’ ingredients are not great.

Many sunscreens contain hormone disrupters and toxic chemicals. Even natural sunscreens contain harmful oils that soak up the sun in unhealthy ways.

And the worst part? Many of these toxic chemicals and oils absorb directly into your skin.

At its best, sunscreen can only protect you from sunburn. But keep in mind that using sunscreen daily can damage your health, so be careful to use it in moderation. 

In the same way that you’re blocking out the negative effects of the sun, you are also blocking the positives. In fact, a lack of exposure to the sun is one of the greatest risk factors for tons of diseases and cancers. 

You should decide what’s best for you!

Whether it’s from your parents, doctors, or social media– you’ve probably told that sunscreen is the only answer for sun protection. Do your own research to come to the resolution that works for you.

There is no better protection from the sun than limiting your time in it. However, when you are wearing sunscreen, weigh the pros and cons and to decide what’s best for your overall health.

For more health insight, consider our article 5 Things You Need to Know While Dieting.