These Foods Lower Anxiety

Foods lower anxiety

Whether you suffer from an anxiety disorder or just the occasional anxious season, knowing how to handle anxiety is helpful. Many people forget that certain foods lower anxiety.

You can learn how to take back control of the physical symptoms of anxiety by eating yummy foods! 

What is cortisol?

Cortisol is the main factor in calming anxiety through food. This hormone is known as the stress hormone of the body. 

This hormone works to activate energy in your system. It’s similar to an alarm system built into your body. It alerts you to danger so that you can react quickly and efficiently.

This is a great thing until it’s used outside of threatening situations. Overusing cortisol can damage your body and cause unnecessary anxiety. 

This is where food comes in to save the day! Certain foods help lower your cortisol levels to bring you back to a state of equilibrium so you won’t feel anxious.

Foods that Raise Your Cortisol Levels

Before diving into what foods you should eat to help with anxiety, you should know what foods to avoid. Foods high in carbs, fats, and sugars are more likely to raise your cortisol levels.

If you’re prone to anxiety, try avoiding foods that lead to inflammation. These foods include bread, fried foods, red meat, unhealthy fats, and sweetened foods and drinks.

Food that Lowers Cortisol

If you’re looking for foods to lower anxiety, the key is to focus on anti-inflammatory foods. An anti-inflammatory diet helps to counteract the effects of cortisol on your body. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, and polyunsaturated fats all fight cortisol to bring you back to a state of physical peace. 

There are a few key vitamins and nutrients that are the keys to lowering your anxiety. Keep these in mind next time you go grocery shopping! 


This is a nutrient that you can get from a variety of foods like fish and many plant-based foods. Avocados, walnuts, chia, olive oil, and a variety of fish all help boost this nutrient in your body. Try adding more healthy fats to your diet to reduce inflammation and lower cortisol levels.


Magnesium-rich foods lower anxiety for a number of reasons. Magnesium plays a key role in relaxing your body. It kicks inflammation out so you can relax your muscles. Not only does magnesium calm your muscles, but it also lowers your blood pressure and regulates your heart rate. 

Magnesium is released in your urine when you’re stressed, so it’s important to add more if you’re under prolonged stress. You can find magnesium in a variety of seeds, bananas, leafy greens, and even dark chocolate!

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is a vital piece in metabolizing cortisol. Supplements and vitamins are extremely beneficial, but whole foods that are dense in nutrients are also necessary for your health. 

If you’re looking to start incorporating this vitamin into your diet, try eating proteins like chicken, beef, or eggs. Certain cereals are high in B12 as well.


Eating a lot of high-fiber foods helps to keep up your gut health. Many people don’t know that the majority of your serotonin lives in your gut.

This means that eating healthy, high-fiber foods helps to boost that happy chemical in your body. Eating a variety of foods helps to heal your gut as well.

Lastly, stay hydrated!

Not only do foods lower anxiety—water is a key aspect of keeping up your mental health. Dehydration raises your cortisol levels, so it’s important to drink water consistently. 

A good rule to keep in mind when you’re starting to feel anxious is to take care of yourself physically first. Go get some water, eat some food, and make sure you’re well-rested. Work with your body to find an equilibrium so that you can feel your best.