These Unusual Mattress Options Have Surprising Health Benefits

Your mattress is a critical part of your quality of sleep, and because of this, it has a major impact on your health as well. If your mattress is too soft or too firm, it can cause joint and back pain. If your mattress collects dust and grime, it can trigger allergy symptoms that make it difficult to breathe.

Sleep gives your body a chance to repair itself after enduring activity during the day. To get the most out of your sleep and maximize your rest, check out these 3 unusual mattress options with surprising health benefits.


A 2021 study shows that 59% of adults who suffer from allergies have worsened symptoms in their bedrooms. Mattresses are a haven for allergen-inducing dust mites, and the skin shed and moisture lost during sleep gives them the resources they need to multiply. Waterbeds, however, are much easier to clean and so these dust mites can simply be wiped off of the surface. 

Another major benefit of a waterbed is an option for motion isolation. For those that sleep with a partner every night, it can be difficult to stay asleep when the other person is moving about. Some waterbeds isolate each side of the bed so that the motion of one partner is limited to their side and the other partner remains undisturbed.

Adjustable Massage Mattress

If you’ve ever sat in a massage chair and thought to yourself, “I could knock out easily in one of these,” an adjustable massage mattress would be right up your alley. 

The benefits of these kinds of mattresses include the promotion of healthy circulation throughout your body, reduced joint inflammation, and decreased muscle tension. The adjustability of the frame also allows for better posture in bed and prevents you from having to awkwardly stack a mountain of pillows in order to feel comfortable.


You probably think of hammocks mostly as a cozy place to nap during a vacation or a camping trip. But are hammocks a viable option to sleep in full-time as an alternative to a traditional mattress?

When laying in a hammock, you sleep suspended in a swaddled position that gently rocks back and forth. This can relieve pressure from joints that are typically compressed when sleeping on a firmer surface. It also promotes a faster sleep onset, making it easier for those who experience difficulty falling asleep to get better rest.

The Floor

This “bed” option may come as a big shocker. Isn’t it better to have somewhere comfortable to lay your head at night? According to author Kathy Bowman, the overly cushioned lifestyle of the average American ruins their sleep quality. 

Mattresses restrict motion that’s natural to have throughout the night, and without a mattress, you can maintain this movement and allow muscle use to continue while you sleep. She even has a four-step process to help you transition from a comfortable bed to a hard floor. You start by switching sides on the bed for a few nights, switching rooms, taking extra padding off of your bed, and then finally making your way onto the floor. d