Treadmills Have A Darker History Than You Might Think

One of the most commonly used pieces of equipment at the gym is the treadmill. It’s the perfect spot to blow off some steam while getting a good cardio workout in. But have you ever wondered why someone invented these machines in the first place?

Ted-Ed offers a closer look at the history of the treadmill. Instead of the endorphin-boosting workout that we experience today, there is actually a much darker story behind the treadmill than you might think.

19th Century Prisons

The first use of the treadmill was for English prisoners in the 1800s. Social activists of the time wanted to reform the cruel punishments that the wardens would choose to keep their prisoners in line. As a result, wardens began incorporating physically active punishments to replace harsher punishments that harmed incarcerated people.

The original treadmill design was much different than what we’re used to today. It was a man-powered paddle wheel that had a functional purpose. Prisoners would collectively step on this wheel and had to maintain a consistent pace so that the device could grind grain or power windmills. Prisons considered these treadmill functions to be a more effective way of utilizing the manpower available in historical English prisons. However, the men forced to walk on this device were extremely overworked.

By some estimations, the average prisoner would spend 6 hours daily on the heavily inclined treadmill, which amounts to climbing up half of Mount Everest every day! Without proper nutritional care, many prisoners would collapse and become injured as a result. 

Treadmills Today

The first prototype of an exercise-related treadmill came to the US in the 50s. It really gained popularity in the 70s when aerobic fitness practices were a big trend. Treadmills are the perfect way to let go of unwanted weight and get your heart pumping more. However, it’s always important to know where your everyday items come from and why they’re such a big part of your routine today.

If you are interested in dieting or weight management, check out our article on What You Need to Know When Dieting.