Why the 8 Glasses of Water a Day Rule is a Myth

How does your body stay hydrated?

8 glasses of water a day myth
8 glasses of water a day myth

You’ve heard people say that you should be drinking 8 glasses of water a day. It’s ingrained in how you learn to take care of your body. Here’s why the 8 glasses of water a day rule is a myth. Drinking 8 glasses of water daily isn’t required for your body to run correctly.

How does your body stay hydrated?
The kidneys are your body’s filtration system. These organs work hard to keep your body free from anything harmful so you can be your healthiest self. Water is the fuel that your kidneys use to wash out those toxins.

When you aren’t drinking enough, your body makes it a point to let you know you need to drink more water. Your body typically tells you through darkened urine, cramps, dryness, stomach pain, headaches, low energy, dizziness, and many more uncomfortable symptoms. 

Here’s why the 8 glasses of water a day rule is a myth!
On top of the 8-glasses myth, you’ve probably heard your water intake is perfect when your pee runs clear. This is also a myth.

Dark yellow urine is a sign of dehydration, but completely clear urine is likely a sign of sodium deficiency. If your urine is clear, you likely drank too much water and washed that helpful mineral right out of your body. 

How can you keep your body hydrated?
Bottom line, you do need to drink a lot of water. However, a “one size fits all” measurement doesn’t work for everybody. When it comes to hydration, keep up with your body’s queues for when you are drinking too little or too much water. 

It’s important to listen to your body individually when deciding what is best for your health. 

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