You Can EAT These Water Bottles!

Eat these water bottles

Scientists have discovered a revolutionary way to consume the planet’s greatest source of life- water. So much waste piles up in landfills from water bottles alone. But did you know that it’s possible to eat these eco-friendly water bottles?

That’s right- it’s now possible to take a big old bite of H2O. Check out this video to find out how it’s possible to eat these water bottles!

Sustainable Packaging

More people are becoming aware of how their packaging affects the environment. Every single day, over 60 million plastic water bottles are thrown out by consumers. That’s nearly 22 BILLION bottles discarded every single year! How is our planet supposed to keep up with that much waste, especially considering how plastic takes up to 500 years for plastic to decompose?

To find a solution, scientists have been attempting to develop more sustainable packaging for water on the go. Skipping Rocks Lab decided to develop a “water bottle” that doesn’t even require a bottle at all. Instead, the water is encapsulated into an orb-like shape. The outer casing is an edible substance with a seaweed base. It can also be flavored and colored for a funky twist on flavored water. 

Conserving the environment has increasingly become a more recognized issue. By reducing plastic waste with these edible water bottles, the earth will thank you.

How to Eat It

These edible water orbs come in bite-sized portions so that every sip fits right in your mouth. Once you pop it in, the orb casing bursts and you’re able to drink the water inside. It can be a bit of a shock to first-time customers since this is such a new and revolutionary way of drinking water.

You’ll be refreshed and rejuvenated with just one bite of this soluble, environmentally-friendly water bottle. It’s quite the experience! You won’t get over how crazy it is to eat these water bottles whenever you’re thirsty.